Friday, March 30, 2012

Animal Butter Bread

With 300g of flour we made around 10 animals bread. Not sure the dough was over play, the bread turn a bit dense. The kids are playing it more than eating it, especially Emmanuel. It seems wastes more than really having it for him. So I got to mix it in the milk and feed him.

Mummy : "Haiyoooo.... Ethan can you draw nicely?"
Ethan : "I am drawing nicely ah... I give a big mouth and loooooot of chocolate. Cause I like to eat chocolate..."

No sure how and when this little Ethan knows the negotiation skill. It is getting challenge to get them to do things now or get a move, or let go something, or to quit on something... It make me wonder, how God will look at us when we put on our "prayer" to Him.

"Dear our Heavenly God. PLEASE.... bla bla bla. I am bla bla bla... I tried... bla bla bla.. I know I have bla bla bla...., BUT... bla.. bla.. bla.... Ok, I wish... bla.. bla.. bla....I will.... bla.. bla...bla... in Jesus's Name. AMEN!"

Ethan said :-
1.) Crying dog
2.) Bad Cat
3.) Good Cat
4.) Sleepy ladybug

   'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 
Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.'
Mathew 6:9-13

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