White-tailed Deer
Just before our trip to Kyoto Nara, we learnt about White-tailed Deer characters - Attentiveness. The special design of the white-tailed deer's ear, is about their attentiveness and bring them alerting to their surrounding. It is their surviving skill in the food chain.
1. The outer Ear - It's shaped like a "V", to capture and concentrate sound waves.
2. The Ear Canal - The deer's ear narrows at its base to a small passage less than an inch diameter.
3. The Eardrum - a thin flap of skin blocks the end of the ear canal. the skin is drawn so tightly that it acts like a drum and vibrates stronger and clearer.
4. The Inner Ear - Hammer/Anvil/Stirrup - behind the eardrum lie three tiny bones which filter and amplify the vibration of the ear drum. It acts as a refiner.
5.The Cochlea - Attached to the stirrup is coiled structure filled with water called 'Cochlea'. When the stirrup shakes the cochlea, the water inside transfers the vibrations to tiny hairs which line its inside surface. As hair move, they stimulate nerve cells at the base of each hair and convert virbations into electrical impulses.
6. Audio Nerve - connects the cochlea to the brain.
7. Brain - The "command center" to process information, make decision, and send orders to the members of the body.
For the wild dear, attentiveness is a matter of life or death.
Attentiveness is extremely important for everyone at home. Chosen this is one of the character to pick up, and now we meet the character master at Nara! We were so happy to see them face to face. They were truly very ATTENTIVE! When ever they saw us have food at hands, promptly, those deer will came fast and eat those food in our hands. They also very AGGRESSIVE and INITIATIVE too! Search for the food from our bags and stroller!
The lesson of Attentiveness
Showing the world of a person by giving full concentration to this or her words.
- ask questions if I don't understand.
- not draw attention to myself.
- keep my eyes, ears, hands, feet, and mouth from distractions.
We have to be attentive to those around us in order to learn and to live. Let's make an ear out of people so we can see how everything works!
To Kyoto Nara
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