Monday, July 30, 2012

Carrot & Apple Cupcakes

I thought of declaring a summer break and no school at home for these 2 weeks.

Mummy : "We have no school at home these 2 weeks for summer holiday."
Ethan : "No school? Wah... I like it! I like holiday!"
Ethan : "Hmmm... what is holiday? what I gonna do then?"
Mummy : "So you can play your toys and your cars, your transformer, watch your cartoon after dinner...."
Ethan  "Wah... good! I like holiday!"

Just after 2 days, they seem go haywire.... I also can't stand on the nagging that keep buzz on me...

Ethan : "Mummy, I am very boring ah..., play together lah, I don't know what I should do leh"
Emmanuel : "一起 read book lah....一起玩啦!"

I thought I can officially declare a break for myself.... indeed, there are no such thing of break for mummy during school break even you are a principal of school. I almost forgotten the "multipurpose roles". Ok, lets do something to empty the freezer for the school holiday.

Production line started!

Yooo... Ethan = Ser Lai KiatII!

Nice, we like it. Very moist and with cinnamon fragrant. 2 for Ethan, 1 for Emmanuel, 1 for Egracia, 2 for Mummy.
Egracia : "mum mum..."
Ethan : "这个不是你的mum mum! 你的mum mum 是porridge, sorry!"
Emmanuel : "妹妹不可以吃!不可以!"
Mummy : "wah... 你们gang up不给妹妹吃"

Carrot Cupcakes:
130g Low protein flour
1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 large eggs
70g granulated white sugar
120ml olive oil
100g finely grated raw carrots
100g apple (approximately 2 large)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Green Power

Mummy : “Plants can produce their own food by going through the photosynthesis process. So leaf is like the factory of the plants, roots absorb the water and delivery its via stem to the leaves. At the same time, leave will react to the energy of the sunlight trigger the chemical effect with CO2 and water then release oxygen.”

Ethan : “我不要给它light”
Mummy 哪。。。没有light,它就不能活啦!没有plants,就没有oxygen啦!没有oxygen就没有living thing 了!忽然我全身的毛孔倏然,浑身冷了一下。

决定为他们拍下此照,继续与他们一同在科学里发现更多的真理。如果上帝是真实的,我想在科学里我们会遇见上帝,也看见上帝的作为为确据。而关键在于能量的来源是谁,谁是源头。好让我们靠着他支取力量寻求人生。也让我这个妈妈,这个living thing能更有把握传承,抚养教导这属于上帝的产业,他所造的人,我家的孩子。


Emmanuel :"地球宝宝不要cry cry,我给你drink water."

In the beginning God created the Heaven and Earth

Milky Avocado

There are a lot of alligator fruit selling here. 100 to 150yen for 1. Japanese like to eat it together with raw salmon don or salmon california roll, even fried rice ball with avocado. I always heard this is a good source of vitamin. So we thought of trying it out to make some milky taste. After trying out the recipe and modifying here and there, we seem accept the taste better now. Breastfeeding mother needs more calories for the baby, so I reckon this is one of the good choice. ^^

~ 2 scoop of milk powder, 150ml fresh milk. (with sweet bean paste will be nice too, as the avocado is not the sweet base fruit) ~

10 Health Benefits of Avocados 

Prostate Cancer Prevention
Avocados have been shown to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer.
Oral Cancer Defense
Research has shown that certain compounds in avocados are able to seek out pre-cancerous and cancerous oral cancer cells and destroy them without harming healthy cells.
Breast Cancer ProtectionAvocado, like olive oil, is high in oleic acid, which has been shown to prevent breast cancer in numerous studies.
Eye Health
Avocados have more of the carotenoid lutein than any other commonly consumed fruit. Lutein protects against macular degeneration and cataracts, two disabling age-related eye diseases.
Lower CholesterolAvocados are high in beta-sitosterol, a compound that has been shown to lower cholesterol levels. In one study, 45 volunteers experienced an average drop in cholesterol of 17% after eating avocados for only one week.
Heart Health
One cup of avocado has 23% of the recommended daily value of folate. Studies show that people who eat diets rich in folate have a much lower incidence of heart disease than those who don't. The vitamin E, monounsaturated fats, and glutathione in avocado are also great for your heart.
Stroke PreventionThe high levels of folate in avocado are also protective against strokes. People who eat diets rich in folate have a much lower risk of stroke than those who don't.
Better Nutrient Absorption
Research has found that certain nutrients are absorbed better when eaten with avocado. In one study, when participants ate a salad containing avocados, they absorbed five times the amount of carotenoids (a group of nutrients that includes lycopene and beta carotene) than those who didn't include avocados.
Glutathione Source
Avocados are an excellent source of glutathione, an important antioxidant that researchers say is important in preventing aging, cancer, and heart disease.
Vitamin E Powerhouse
Avocados are the best fruit source of vitamin E, an essential vitamin that protects against many diseases and helps maintains overall health.


Friday, July 27, 2012

Ice-cream Pancake

37c, super hot day! We seems staying in the hot oven. I think is time for our summer holiday and school break should be declared. Lets have ice-cream pancakes.

150g superfine flour, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 100ml fresh milk, 1 egg.

Ethan : "Wao...!"
Emmanuel : "hu... hu... 哥哥,什么事情?"
Ethan : "你看!ice-cream哦! 吃咯!"
Mummy : "wei! 我在take photo leh!"

It is getting difficult to control them. Especially when both of them gang up. Just after a minute the house had been cleaned up, the next minute they are playing battle and combat, again is like in the war zone. They always like to pretend as a Hero, go to fight monster and bad man.

Egracia : "mum... mum... mum..."
Amazing! She knows it is food! The basic surviving skill.

Sunday, July 22, 2012



在移植的过程里,我们遇上了神奇Mr. slug!我们把它从土壤里移到叶子上,它就吐出丝来慢慢的把自己吊回到土地里去。它的自我保护功能会是它爸妈教的吗?为何人的孩子,就是要教要学要引导要保护才可。但无可否认,人的特别于有一种寻找的属性成为万物之灵,是个无价之宝。

因着Mr. Slug的客串和小小的小红豆,为这家的小朋友带来了更多对活物的了解,大自然的认识与学习的乐趣。爸妈也乐在其中,赞叹享受在上帝的创造里。可爱的徐恒也变得常问,“垃圾是living thing 吗?,car是living thing吗?"为什么这个,为什么那个。。。徐信说:“living thing needs, AIR, WATER and FOOD。”




Friday, July 20, 2012




God took the STRENGTH of the moutain,
The MAJESTY of a tree,
The WARMTH of a summer sun,
The CALM of the quiet sea,
The GENERUOS soul of nature,
The COMFORTING arm of night,
The WISDOM of the ages,
The JOY of a morning in spring,
The FAITH in a mustard seed,
The DEPTH of a family need.
Then God combined these qualities.
Where there was nothing more to add, He knew HIS MASTERPIECE was completed.
And so He called it.... .... Dad.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mother Farm

Sunny day, 14-July, 2012. 1.5 hour drive from Tokyo home. We went thru a very sophisticated tunnel that go under the sea for 10km to reach a wonderful and memorable place that full of our laughter and joy - "Mother Farm" located at Chiba. We ran around at the green meadow like a flock of sheep, catch the nice air with our breath, ate the ice-cream from the fresh cow milk made bay the farm, pet and fed the funny cute animals and gave a big clap to the clever obedient shepherd dog.  These boys always said they wanted to drive tractor, their wish came true here. Kids love it and so are we. The most fantastic was we like one of the farmer which didn’t need to bear for responsibility but just for fun. We ended the trip with lot of nice and good memory together. It make me so difficult to select the photo to upload in the blog for remembrance. And now I understood the say of “with our children together, as a parent we can go thru our childhood for another time”. Without them running around the farm it seems a bit strange.
Mummy & Daddy : “We need to go home, the farm is closing at 5pm.”
Ethan : “I don’t want to go home!”
Mummy & Daddy : “It is closed, we have to go back home.”
Ethan : “I don’t want!”, cried Ethan.
Emmanuel : “I don’t want to let the farm close!”, cried Emmanuel
Daddy & Mummy : “…… we can come again…Daddy & Mummy also like the farm a lot…”, cried Daddy and Mummy.

In fact, Daddy and Mummy also don’t feel to let the farm close too. Eventually we were the last family left the farm at 5.45pm by hang around at the farm main gate. We thought of waiting to be kicked out by the farm keeper.

In all of our heart with the same voice, “I will be back soon….”.
Dear Heavenly Father, can we granted for another chance to be there? Should the answer be YES or NO, we are contented that you have brought us peace, love and joy with us. Amen.
Let wait...and see... should it be 30 year laters with the my kids and grandchildren...