Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Emmanuel fixes the BIG 3

Emmanuel is full 3 old. A lot of people believe for the age of 3 years fixes the life of 80. Looking at Emmanuel's pattern,  I am wondering what will he be when he reaches age of 80? Recalling to his day of arrival, the very first character he revealed to us was his persistence . Once he got the hang of bottle feed, persistently rejecting breastfeed. After went through a month of all sort of ability to get him on breastfeed, persistently rejecting bottle feed. This took us for another month to get him went well feed on both feeding method. Soon then for 3 little babies we had, Emmanuel was the most constant for breastfeeding until I got to stop him for it. When this little boy in little cosy womb, he grew together with a blood clog that sized around a tennis ball in the stomach. With God's grace, Emmanuel  sustain well with it for full 9 months..Within the 9 month on and off from the hospital, the most as a mother I sensed was about "pain". It seems so much intolerable with any pain throughout the pregnancy. It so hard to describe how intolerable with it, even a mosquito bite. First blood test result for Emmanuel, he was diagnosed responded with high level of "Hypo theroid". Doctor said, it could due to the new born couldn't intolerant with the contraction pain, or it could due to inherited of genetically thyroiditis. Today this little Emmanuel still very sensible with any sort of pain or uncomfortable. To me, he can be very sensible, started to walk in his 11 months and very talkative. 

With the name of 恒 (herng), in your name given to you it seems matches to you well. Emmanuel, God is with you.

Happy Birthday my dearest Emmanuel. You are 3 now. I wish that you can have a life as an egg, with the love, hope and faith given you enough strength to break through the shell and grow a true life in God's eye. 

Persistence, to understand God's well. Holding Jesus's hands for your life, keep an eye in Him. God is our saviour in any sort of time, in any pain, He knows us well. 

Be sensible to your surrounding, and bless the people surrounding you with God's grace. As in bible said, "First seeks God's kingdom and His righteousness and all of these things will be provided for you as well.",  "love yourself as you love your neighbor". 

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind and with all your strength. 

 *************飞跃时空,恒恒满月 ****************

*************恒恒10个月 ****************

*************  The Most Beautiful Car Cake Emmanuel Ever had  ****************
by beloved 姨妈

恒恒看着这照片说:"我太喜欢car car的cake了!"


  1. Dear mami, thank you for giving Herng Herng such a lovely boy! It's not easy to deliver him, but by God's grace you did it! (Thus follow third one of Egracia = Enough of God's grace :-)
    Dear Herng Herng, persistent in God's word, then your whole life in care of Jesus!

  2. Happy Blessed Birthday to Herng Herng! He is so cute n blessed to have such a supportive parents n family. May Lord lead your step walk strongly in our Lord Jesus Christ Will of life for you.

  3. Awww.. so touching... I miss you guys!
