Saturday, October 13, 2012



六岁可爱又美丽的小娃娃站在高高的毕业舞台上,用最嘹亮美丽的歌声献上了她童年纯真美丽一刻,“吹泡泡,泡泡上天堂。。。” 泡泡随着歌声自由的飘摇着。舞台的一边一位年轻的妈妈为这着孩子的歌声,为她吹出了她的梦想。一首小小的童谣,写下了她小小的童年,也相随了她的一生。为着梦想出发。飞驰的羽毛球也掌握在她的领域里。输赢之间写下她生命另一端的风彩。

Friday, October 12, 2012

Secret recipe - Almond cookies

A pack of Almond mix and a pack of Almond flakes flew from far away Homeland - Secret recipe from Esther's baking house. Today our baking fun with a special guest, our beloved "姨妈". According to her verbal recipe "1 cup of almond mix, 1 cup of almond flakes", mix well. Then put evenly on the parchment paper. Preheat the oven with 200c. Bake in 180c, about 5 to 8 mins. Cut immediately after remove from the oven. Cut the almond cookies is the most crucial part through out the process. It must be cut when it still soft, else it will turn hard, then can not be cut in shape anymore. So here with go.....
Ethan : "太easy了!"
姨妈: "EASY!!! wah.... okok"


姨妈: "Oh no.... 完了,完了.............aiyoooooooooooo... 不可以玩的... oh my god! haiyooooo...弟弟不要了..."
I just can't stop laughing by looking my dearest sister's face. I really enjoying with her baking with kids.

Finally we got it! Although making the cookies didn't really seems that difficult. Just as Ethan said "Easy!". Having said that, I was eye-witness that cutting out the almond really important step to make the cookies in goodshape and remains it crunchiness.
The conclusion from 姨妈 "this is not for kids to play with...she almost fainted and she was so exhausted after staying with us....just to cook and to clean the house."
The conclusion from EEE. They are so exciting and full of fun with this special person in their life. 姨妈 is just like another mummy of them in their small small world. Love you...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

双十节 vs 10-10 Day. Happy Birthday Egracia, 徐悦

3 weeks before...

Litte pinky delighted the house

After 6 day overdue from the EDD, on 10-Oct, 2011 2.30am, contraction started with the interval of 20mins to 30 mins. 6.06am arrived Ai-ku Hospital, Tokyo Japan. 7.15am, Dr. Saka Moto raptured water bag and found out baby passed meconium, baby needed to deliver as soon as possible. Dr. instruction, walk around the labour room and corridor to regulate the contraction interval  and trying for the natural induction. After the experience labor of the 2 brothers, mummy have little phobia of the labor pain, even thought of going for epidural for this time. Before the day, Daddy Mummy always pray and hope for having lesser pain during labor. But once mummy knew that you just like the 2 brothers passed meconium in the stomach, those contraction pain no longer a valid concern. At that time, Daddy and Mummy only wish that you delivered safely without infected by the meconium and no stress in stomach. The anesthetic from God was so special! God answered the prayer! God said, those labor pain no longer important, not as asking an epidural, not as asking any more pain killer.  It should be delivering you as fast as possible. Walk and walk around the corridor by holding a wireless contraction monitor, strong contraction came every 5 mins... but it seems to mummy, that those pain not strong enough, must be more contraction, we need to deliver this angel as soon as 2pm according to Doctor's advise. At 2pm, doctor checked baby head was still high and only dilated 7cm. It seems some more time needed. At that time, it seems to mummy can't hold the tireness and pain any more longer, mummy needed to rest. Lay on the left side, the possition usually Ethan, Emmanuel and You like to... and then suddenly I feel that you are coming... Doctor rush back to the labor room and... you are here with us...
At 2.22pm 


5th day 

7th day 
14th day 
21th day 
28th day 
2 month

3 month

4 month

5 month

6 month 

7 month 
8 month 

9 month 

10 month 
11 month 
1 day before my BIG 1 year old 

I am 1 year old ~

With you with us, we added pink, we added soft toys, we added lot of happiness and joy at home. Thanks to be with us and joining us.
We love you so much... you are ours angel our love!
